
Synposis of wish upon the movie
Synposis of wish upon the movie

synposis of wish upon the movie

  • Exact Words: The demon takes the user's soul once they've made seven wishes.
  • The door opens and she is about to step out, when the elevator suddenly drops again and plunges all the way to the bottom of the shaft. It stops briefly and she uses the opportunity to call for help.
  • Evil Elevator: Meredith is killed when the elevator she is in suddenly plummets.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Clare's dog is shown snarling at the music box both when Clare gets it and when her mother throws it into the garbage.
  • synposis of wish upon the movie

    Everyone Has Standards: Darcie might be a bitch, but she's still horrified when she accidentally kills Clare with her car at the end."When the music ends, the blood price is paid." After the seventh wish, the box claims its owner's soul. Equivalent Exchange: Every time a wish is granted, someone has to die.Driven to Suicide: Paul, after he breaks into Clare's bedroom and she rejects him.Downer Ending: Clare dies after undoing all the wishes and trying to get rid of the box.Deadly Bath: August slips while getting into the bath, cracks his head on the edge of the tub, and drowns.Darkness Equals Death: Most death scenes happen during nighttime.Dark and Troubled Past: Clare was just a little girl when she witnessed her mother's suicide.Too bad this was her final wish, which still counted even if it was to reverse everything. Cruel Twist Ending: Clare asks everything to be undone.Body Horror: Clare's first wish makes Darcie Chapman rot alive.Meredith who is a Twofer Token Minority being half-Black/half-Korean and Gina who is Chinese both die, but neither is the first plus their deaths are erased and both are Back from the Dead at the end of the film.

    Synposis of wish upon the movie